
Bioethics Committee

According to the American Medical Association Principles of Medical Ethics, the medical profession has long subscribed to a body of ethical statements developed primarily for the benefit of the patient. As a member of this profession, a physician must recognize responsibility to patients first and foremost, as well as to society, to other health professionals, and to self.

To that end, the South Carolina Medical Association Bioethics Committee exists to survey the current medical landscape in the state of South Carolina and ensure that the highest ethical standards are upheld by examining carefully ethical issues in healthcare, informing through education, and advising and supporting the SCMA.

About the SCMA Bioethics Committee:

  • Vision: To help improve healthcare using ethical thought, principles, practices, and experiences.
  • Committee Chair: Sewell Kahn, M.D.
  • Composition: The committee is multidisciplinary, benefiting from the contributions of consultants in philosophy, medical sociology, nursing, and theology.
  • Impact: In 2010, along with other key SC organizations, it founded the SC Coalition for the Care of the Seriously Ill. SC CSI was instrumental in POST legislation passage.

Get Involved

For more information or to become a member of the SCMA Bioethics Committee, please contact Diana Fernandez.

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SCMA Continuing Medical Education (CME) Committee

As an accredited provider, the primary activity of the SCMA CME Committee is to provide high quality CME programs for South Carolina physicians including creation of the SCMA Annual Meeting CME educational programs. The SCMA CME Committee meets the second Thursday in the months of February, May, August, and November from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. 

Get Involved

For more information or to become a member of the SCMA CME Committee, please contact SCMA CME Coordinator, Necole Stinson.

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South Carolina Coalition for the Care of the Seriously Ill (SC CSI)

About CSI

This statewide coalition brings key organizations, clinicians, and healthcare entities together to collaboratively redesign care, improve quality of life, and protect the ethical rights of the seriously, chronically, or terminally ill in South Carolina.

CSI Members

The Coalition is comprised of the following organizations: the South Carolina Medical Association, the South Carolina Hospital Association, the South Carolina Nurses Association, the South Carolina Healthcare Association, Leading Age South Carolina, South Carolina Citizens Concerned for Life, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, the South Carolina Healthcare Ethics Network, the Carolinas Center for Hospice and End of Life Care, the SC Society of Chaplains, LifePoint, AARP, the South Carolina Office on Aging, and volunteers with expertise in specific areas such as law, social work, and legislation.


Contact Us For More Info

For more information regarding the SC Coalition for the Care of the Seriously Ill or to join, please email Diana Fernandez.

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